版权及专利 Policy 425.01
Johnson County Community College

适用性: This Policy applies to all Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) employees. If an employee is subject to the Master Agreement and any provisions of this Policy are inconsistent with the Master Agreement, the terms of the Master Agreement shall control.

目的: The purpose of this Policy is to define ownership interests of Inventions and Materials developed by 赌钱app可以微信提现 employees, 承包商, 和代理.


“发明” 指所有设备, 发现, 流程, 方法, 使用, 产品或组合, whether or not patented or patentable.

“材料” means all tangible and intangible work product; 发现; inventions; improvements; documentation; techniques; methodologies; data; works of authorship; designs; ideas; solutions; instructional (textbooks, 课程内容, 测试, 家庭作业, 等.), literary, artistic, dramatic, and musical 材料s or works; 软件 (code, games, 等.); sound, 视觉, 视听, film or other recordings or transcriptions in any format; and all other 材料s, 已发表或未发表, in hard-copy or electronic form.

“大学支持” means Inventions or Materials created in whole or in part: (1) in conjunction with the normal course of College duties for the employee, 代理, 或承包商(i).e., works made for hire); (2) during 赌钱app可以微信提现 recognized work time, 加班, 公休假, or other 赌钱app可以微信提现-granted leave with pay or partial pay; (3) with the assistance of grant money obtained by 赌钱app可以微信提现; or (4) with the assistance of equipment, 材料, 软件, 信息, or other financial or non-financial resources which are more than nominal.

“委托作品” means Inventions or Materials specifically contracted for by the College.


The College is dedicated to encouraging innovation, 创造力, and effectiveness in serving students and the community, and the College expects its employees to comply with all laws and policies and procedures governing the creation and use of intellectual property.

I. 所有权

Unless otherwise specified in a contract (including grant awards), the legal title to all College Supported Inventions and Materials and the right to any related proceeds shall be held by 赌钱app可以微信提现.

在适当的时候, formal statutory copyrights will be obtained for College Supported Inventions and Materials in the name of 赌钱app可以微信提现. 就专利而言, all applications shall be accompanied by appropriate assignments to assure ownership by 赌钱app可以微信提现.

II. Inventions and Materials Developed during Outside Consulting Work

Inventions and Materials made or developed by College employees for third party organizations, outside the scope of College duties and without the use of any College resources or 信息, shall not be considered College Supported or Commissioned, and all rights to such Inventions and Materials shall remain with the individual.

3. College Use of Income from 版权 and Invention Proceeds

Income derived by the College from College Supported Inventions and Materials will be used at the discretion of the 校董会.

IV. 释放

员工, 承包商, 和代理 shall be responsible for obtaining appropriate written re租赁s from individuals contributing to or identifiable in College Supported Inventions and Materials. Written statements may also be obtained from employees, 承包商, or 代理s indicating that to the best of their knowledge, Inventions and Materials developed do not infringe on existing copyrights or other legal rights.

V. 权利转让

The College may at its discretion assign, 转移, 租赁, or sell all or part of its legal rights in College Supported Inventions and Materials.

VI. Policy Interpretations and Modifications

Inquiries related to this Policy may be directed to the copyright librarian. This Policy may be modified in whole or in part by the 校董会, 提供, 然而, that such modification will not affect vested rights.

Revised: 12/17/2015, 06/21/2018, 04/20/2023